Executive Circle

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The Institute for International Economic Policy (IIEP) is a hub of scholarship and high-level public programs centered on policies related to the global economy and economic development. In recognition of the growing urgency to respond to the challenges facing the global economy, IIEP has established a leadership group to help support and disseminate research and policies connected to global finance, trade, and development. The IIEP Executive Circle comprises senior leaders at the highest levels of their fields, and dynamic mid-career and young professionals who exhibit extraordinary potential, all who believe in the power of academic research and analysis to improve policy and enhance the wellbeing and prosperity of people around the globe.

Executive Circle members help advance IIEP’s mission and help shape strategic initiatives. They broaden the perspective on and deepen insight into global economic and development policy issues. In addition, they advise IIEP leaders on current and emerging trends in the field while supporting real-time engagement. IIEP is deeply thankful to the members for their generous commitments of time, wisdom, and resources.

Meet the New Co-Chairs

Meet Our Members

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Wenger Lecture


Lisa Schroeter headshot

"I am honored to serve as Co-Chair of the Executive Circle with Carl Richardson. I am excited for the opportunity to drive positive impact through the research, platforms and global network of the Institute for International Economic Policy and with our GWU community."

Co-Chair Lisa Schroeter, BA '92 
Global Director of Trade & Investment Policy for Dow; Co-Chair, IIEP Executive Circle

"As a proud alumnus of the Elliott School of International Affairs, I am delighted to now serve as Co-Chair of the IIEP’s Executive Circle alongside Lisa Schroeter. While our family business is headquartered in the United Kingdom, it holds interests in a number of countries around the world. It is through this hard-earned practical experience of doing business in multiple jurisdictions that I hope to add value and perspective to the great work the IIEP is doing in relation to global economic trends and development. I also look forward to meeting, interacting with and contributing to the Elliott School and wider George Washington University communities, especially those who possess true entrepreneurial zeal!"

Co-Chair Carl Richardson, MA '99 
Partner,Richardson Capital LLP; Co-Chair, IIEP Executive Circle

Carl Richardson headshot

Executive Circle Members 

Jonathan Aiken headshot
Jonathan Aiken

Partner and Head of the London office at BDA Partners; MBA ’07, MA ’07

Maxmillian Angerholzer the third headshot
Maxmillian Angerholzer III

Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress, and Senior Adviser, Upsher Management Company

Michael Batlogg headshot
Michael Batlogg

KPMG Director, Risk Management Policy and Enterprise Risk; MA ’08, MBA ’08

James Berger IIEP
James Berger

Litigation Partner Resident at DLA Piper; CCAS ’89, ESIA P’25, GWSB P’26

Andrew Brown headshot
Andrew Brown

President, Delphos International; MA ’07, CFA

Martin Burvill headshot
Martin Burvill

Former President, Verizon Business Markets, Verizon Communications Inc.; Washington, D.C.

Kevin Conboy headshot
Kevin Conboy

Global A.I. Brand Specialist IBM; MS, MBA, BBA

Sean Connell headshot
Sean Connell

U.S. Congressional Staff; MA ’06

Daniel Forman
Daniel Forman

Partner, Lowenstein Sandler LLP; BA '02

Sarah Hirsch headshot
Sarah Hirsch

Former U.S. Treasury Official; BA ‘10

Patrick Hyland headshot
Patrick Hyland

Managing Director – Asset Management Division,Goldman Sachs;BA ’96 MA ’03

Erik Kiefel headshot
Erik Kiefel

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Manager at ZeroHash; MA ’94

Deborah Lehr headshot
Deborah Lehr

Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Paulson Institute; MA ’89

Basem Malhas headshot
Basem Malhas

Vice Chairman/Deputy Managing Director/ Part Owner of the Mediterranean Tourism Investment Company (METICO); GWSB ’96

Marty Mannion
Marty Mannion

Co-Head, TDS Automated Trading, TD Securities; BA '97

Steven Mayo headshot
Steven Mayo

Senior Risk Manager, Siemens Financial Services; MA-MBA ‘10

Nizar Qallab headshot
Nizar Qallab

Managing Director, Cantor Fitzgerald Dubai; MA ’05

James Quigley headshot
James Quigley

Managing Director and Executive Vice Chairman, Bank of America-Merrill Lynch; BA ’82

Lubna Qunash headshot
Lubna Qunash

Director, Corporate Private Equity, Carlyle Group; MBA ’06, MA ’06

Anthony Ragozino headshot
Anthony Ragozino

Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets LLC; P’25

Michael Rendina headshot
Michael Rendina

Executive Director, Labor & Government Strategies, GCM Grosvenor; BA ’02, MA ’05

Carl Richardson IIEP
Carl Richardson

Partner, Richardson Capital LLP; Co-Chair, IIEP Executive Circle,MA ’99

Ranjani Sankaran
Ranjani Sankaran

Executive Director, Project & Export Finance, Standard Chartered, MA '04,

Lisa Schroeter headshot
Lisa Schroeter

Global Director of Trade & Investment Policy for Dow; Co-Chair, IIEP Executive Circle, BA ’92

Shoko Sekiguchi headshot
Shoko Sekiguchi

Senior Vice President on the Sustainable Investing team at Citi Global Wealth Investments

Image of Ergem outdoors
Ergem Senyuva Tohumcu

Co-founder, FutureWise Partners; Adjunct Faculty, Fordham University London Centre; MSF '05; BA '99

Michael Smart headshot
Michael Smart

Managing Director at Rock Creek Global Advisors, BA '92

Dan Stramminiello headshot
Dan Strammiello

President and CEO of Westbrook Development Partners and Prism Workspaces, BA '66

Senior Director of Operations Excellence
Walter Vester

Senior Director of Operations Excellence The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Karl Wachter headshot
Karl Wachter

Partner and the General Counsel of Magnetar Capital, ESIA '92

Jim Wodarski headshot
Jim Wodarski

Partner – Mintz Levin, BA '89

Frank Wong headshot
Frank Chi-Hong Wong

President, Scholastic Asia, BA '79

Anthony Yu headshot
Anthony Yu

Director at Renaissance Technologies, BA ’04, MA

Former Co-Chairs

Co-Chair Deborah Lehr, MA '89
Deborah Lehr headshot

"I am delighted to serve as Co-Chair of the Executive Circle alongside Frank Wong and am excited to help mobilize diverse international actors to shift the conversation about US/Asia relations, China, green finance, sustainability, and other key issues. I am a strong believer in the power of thinking outside the box, tapping into expertise from diverse backgrounds in the public and private sector, to craft strategic solutions to new and old challenges. The work that the GW IIEP does to develop, innovate, and offer cross-disciplinary research and solutions to these challenges has the power to change attitudes, build alliances, achieve equitable and sustainable economic growth, and transition from our current paradigms to new, more sustainable models. I invite you to join us in supporting this vital work."

Co-Chair Deborah Lehr, MA '89
Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Paulson Institute; Co-Chair, IIEP, Executive Circle

Co-Chair Frank Wong, BA '79
Frank Wong headshot

"I am honored to serve as Co-Chair of the Executive Circle with Deborah Lehr and am so excited for the opportunity to promote the research, policy advice, and people of the Institute for International Economic Policy. I am passionate about IIEP’s emphasis on achieving sustained excellence, the ways they foment continuous learning and knowledge accumulation, and their focus on connecting the dots and creating new possibilities to enhance the wellbeing and prosperity of people around the globe. GW gave me a platform to thrive and I look forward to ensuring IIEP has a competitive advantage in its work, as well as the freedom to push the envelope in the years to come!"

Co-Chair Frank Wong, BA '79 
President, Asia Scholastic Corp; Co-Chair, IIEP, Executive Circle


The Executive Circle continues to search for individuals who have a passion for the work it supports and would like to contribute their ideas, energy, and resources and become Members of the Executive Circle. If that is you, please contact Kyle Renner at [email protected].

Filling out the ranks of the Executive Circle are IIEP Director Steve Suranovic; IIEP Assistant Director Kyle Renner; and Joe Strodel, AVP for Development and Alumni Relations at the Elliott School of International Affairs.

Map of Our Members Locations

World map with pins that mark where executive circle members have conducted their work.