Michael Smart

Michael Smart headshot

Michael Smart

Managing Director at Rock Creek Global Advisors, BA '92

Executive Circle


Michael J. Smart is a Managing Director at Rock Creek Global Advisors where he focuses on international trade and investment policy, including market access and regulatory matters. Mr. Smart is currently advising multinational companies, financial institutions, and trade associations on ongoing international trade and investment negotiations.

Mr. Smart previously served as International Trade Counsel on the Democratic staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. In that role, he advised Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and members of the committee on various trade matters, including World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations and dispute settlement, free trade agreements, agricultural trade, and the trade aspects of climate change legislation.

Before joining the Finance Committee, Mr. Smart was Director for International Trade and Investment on the staff of the National Security Council at the White House. Mr. Smart focused on the Doha Development Agenda, trade in financial services, free trade agreements, and bilateral investment treaties. He also served as the lead White House staff for cabinet-level dialogues with Brazil and India.

Mr. Smart was previously an associate at the law firm of Sidley Austin LLP, where his practice focused on international trade and investment policy and dispute resolution. He represented companies and governments in WTO, investment treaty, and NAFTA disputes. Earlier in his career, Mr. Smart was Legislative Director for former Congressman Earl Pomeroy (D- ND).

Mr. Smart is a member of the Board of Directors of the Washington International Trade Association. Mr. Smart received his BA in International Affairs from The George Washington University (Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude) and his JD from Georgetown University Law Center.