Working Papers

This list captures all of the most recent papers that have been uploaded to this website. For a FULL list of 'Working Papers' from IIEP please visit this archived version of our website


To Sell or Not to Sell: List Price, Transaction Price and Marketing Time in the Housing Market

This paper specifies and estimates a structural model of home seller behavior. The model is an application of search theory to housing and is estimated using....

Differences in PRC and Indian Textile and Apparel Industry Response to the Elimination of the MFA: Do Cultural Differences Matter?

The intent of this paper is to compare PRC and Indian responses to the elimination of textile and apparel (T&A) quotas by the US. On the demand side, the paper.....

Greed, Capitalism and the Financial Crisis

As the world entered and suffered through the recent Great Recession, certainly the worst economic slowdown in a generation, people naturally asked: what went....

Interdependence in Multinational Production Networks

Most multinational firms today operate multilateral production networks. Most existing empirical analyses, however, have focused on firms' choice between......

Autonomous Adaptation to Climate Change: A Literature Review

Study on climate change has long focused on mitigation. But regardless of how much mitigation is achieved or will be achieved, the climate is already changing....

Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Direct Investment and Establishment Performance

We examine in this paper the di¤erential response of establishments to the global nancial crisis, with particular emphasis on the role of foreign direct......

Implementing Carbon Tariffs: A Fool’s Errand?

Some governments are considering taxes on imports based on carbon content from countries that have not introduced climate change policies. Such carbon border.....

Third Country Effects on the Formation of Free Trade Agreements

The recent proliferation of free trade agreements (FTAs) has resulted in an increasingly complex network of preferential trading relationships. The economics.....

Third Country Effects on the Formation of Free Trade Agreements

The recent proliferation of free trade agreements (FTAs) has resulted in an increasingly complex network of preferential trading relationships. The economics...

Taxes, Prisons, and CFOs: The Effects of Increased Punishment on Corporate Tax Compliance in Ecuador

This paper takes advantage of a rich firm level data set from Ecuador to analyze the effects of a reform in 2007 that introduced imprisonment for tax evasion..

The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) Poverty Measures: Twenty-Five Years Later

Twenty-five years ago, the FGT class of decomposable poverty measures was introduced in Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke [54]. The present study provides a retrospective...

Regional Agricultural Endowments and Shifts of Poverty Trap Equilibria: Evidence from Ethiopian Panel Data

We introduce new approaches to research on poverty traps, focusing on changes in patterns of equilibria over time and across regions, applied to the Ethiopia....

Freedom, Opportunity and Wellbeing

This paper reexamines key results from the measurement of opportunity freedom, or the extent to which a set of options offers a decision maker real opportunities....

Do Cheaters Bunch Together? Profit Taxes, Withholding Rates and Tax Evasion

We use firm-level administrative data from Ecuador to study the implications of ‘reverse withholding’ for firms’ tax behavior. Withholding does not affect tax....

On Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty

There is a growing interest on dynamic and broader concepts of deprivation such as vulnerability, which takes in to account the destitution of individuals from...

How China’s Employment Problems Became Trade Problems: China, Labour Law and the Rule of Law

In this article, I focus on the potential trade spillovers of Chinese policies to maintain employment. Chinese leaders are determined to maintain employment and...

Unexpected Bedfellows: The GATT, the WTO, and Some Democratic Rights

The world’s most misunderstood international institution, the World Trade Organization (WTO) sits in a grand palace on the shores of Lake Geneva. This.....

How Well Does ‘Core’ CPI Measure Long-Run Inflation

We decompose core CPI and the food and energy CPI measures into permanent and transitory components using a correlated unobserved components model, to examine...

How Well Does “Core” CPI Capture Permanent Price Changes?

We decompose core CPI and the food and energy CPI measures into permanent and transitory components using a correlated unobserved components model, to examine....

Limited Partnership: Business, Government, Civil Society (NGOs) and the Public in the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI)

Nigeria is awash in oil; Mali is flush with gold reserves; and Peru has abundant copper. These resources belong to the people, and thus, Nigerians, Malians, and..

The Short-Term Impacts of a Schooling Conditional Cash Transfer Program on the Sexual Behavior of Young Women

Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) can be an important component of social protection policy and there is “…considerable evidence that CCTs have improved the....

Climate Change and the World Trading System

Dr. Steve Charnovitz – GWU Gary Clyde Hufbauer and Jisun Kim – Peterson Institute This event was made possible by a generous grant........

Location Decision of Heterogeneous Multinational Firms

We examine how multinational rms with heterogeneous total factor productivity (TFP) self-select into di¤erent host countries. Both aggregate- and rm-level..............

Aggregate Income Shocks and Infant Mortality in the Developing World

Health and income are strongly correlated both within and across countries, yet the extent to which improvements in income have a causal effect on health status....

Jointly Evaluating GDP and Inflation Forecasts in the Context of the Taylor Rule

Individuals, businesses, and government policymakers use economic forecasts as guides to many important economic and financial decisions. Thus, it is.......