Sustainable Development Conference

Sustainable Development

IIEP launched the World Bank-GWU-UVA Conference on “The Economics of Sustainable Development." in November 2023. This conference brought together academics and development economics practitioners to present and discuss pressing questions relating to sustainable development, a theme central to the World Bank’s mission of tackling poverty on a livable planet. The theme of sustainable development is of increasing importance due to the growing recognition that a commitment to development and tackling poverty is unviable without an equal commitment to addressing climate change, pollution, and environmental degradation. The conference covered various topics, including biodiversity and forests, the economics of natural resources, and pollution. Furthermore, given Africa’s heavy reliance on renewable natural resources and its vulnerability to climate change impacts, there was a particular focus on frontier work related to Africa.

1st World Bank-GWU-UVA Research Conference on “The Economics of Sustainable Development”

Sessions included "Biodiversity and Forests," "The Economics of Natural Resources," "Climate Change in Africa and Asia," and "Air Pollution"

Keynote Speaker:  Andrew Foster (Brown)

Co-Sponsors: The World Bank, George Washington University (GWU) and the University of Virginia (UVA)

Click here to view the full agenda, November 29, 2023