Global Economic Governance

Global Economic Governance in the 21st Century

In September 2011 IIEP launched a new signature initiative on global economic governance that examines the role and evolving shape of international economic institutions in the 21st century. This initiative, made possible by the generous financial support of an anonymous donor, builds on existing IIEP research strengths and leverages IIEP’s unparalleled location in the heart of international economic policy-making in Washington DC. IIEP has since emerged as one of the leading centers focused on economic governance in the increasingly integrated world economy.

This initiative reflects the need to rethink the role of organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization, all of which trace their roots back to the immediate post-World War II period. The international economy is dramatically different now with the spread of globalization, the rise of emerging economies, and the challenges of sustainable development across the world. IIEP regularly partners with both the IMF and the World Bank for research conferences and its relationship with these and other organizations such as the WTO and Inter-American Development Bank are active and growing.

IIEP and its facility have a strong record of research on these issues since its founding in 2007, and this initiative consolidated and strengthened these efforts through further academic research, policy forums, and full-day conferences. For example, IIEP regularly partners with GW partners including the Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub and the Institute for International Science and Technology Policy as well as policy partners such as the Council on Economic Policy (CEP) and The Growth Dialogue to host conferences and seminars.

Faculty and events associated with this initiative are listed below.