James Foster

James Foster Headshot

James Foster

Former Director, Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Professor of International Affairs and Professor of Economics, Vice Dean, Elliott School of International Affairs

Former Director


Email: James Foster
Office Phone: (202) 994-8195
Fax: (202) 994-5477
The Elliott School of International Affairs Foggy Bottom Campus 1957 E Street, NW, Suite 502 Washington DC 20052

James is also a Research Associate at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative at Oxford University. Professor Foster’s research focuses on welfare economics — using economic tools to evaluate and enhance the wellbeing of people. His joint 1984 Econometrica paper (with Joel Greer and Erik Thorbecke) is one of the most cited papers on poverty. It introduced the FGT Index, which has been used in thousands of studies and was employed in targeting the Progresa CCT program in Mexico. Other research includes work on economic inequality with Amartya Sen; on the distribution of human development with Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva and Miguel Szekely; on multidimensional poverty with Sabina Alkire; and on literacy with Kaushik Basu.

Professor Foster’s work underlies many well-known social indices including the global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) published annually by the UNDP in the Human Development Report, dozens of national MPIs used to guide domestic policy against poverty, the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) at USAID, the Gross National Happiness Index of Bhutan, the Better Jobs Index of the InterAmerican Development Bank, and the Statistical Performance Index of the World Bank.

development economics, inequality and poverty, economic theory and policy

Ph.D. from Cornell University

Development, Poverty, and Inequality, Economics of Ultra-Poverty, U.S.- China Economic Relations, Global Economic Governance

“Unidimensional Underpinnings of Multidimensional Counting Measures,” (with S. Alkire)

“Rank Robustness of Composite Indices: Dominance and Ambiguity,” (with M. McGillivray and S. Seth)

“Service Delivery Underperformance Index” (with M. Allwine)

“Analyzing Intergenerational Mobility: Measures, Curves, and Welfare” (with J. Rothbaum)

“A Framework for Measuring Inclusive Growth”

“Measuring Ultrapoverty: A New Class of Indices and an Application to Rural Ethiopia Panel Data” (with S. Smith)

“Reflections on the Human Development Index”

“On Provenance and Value” (with E. F. Fischer)

“Income Standards, Inequality and Poverty”

“Inclusive Growth in Five Asian Countries” (with M. Szekely)

“Designing the Inequality-Adjusted Human Development Index” (with S. Alkire)

“Reflections on the Human Opportunity Index” (with S. Singh)

“Poverty Lines over Time and Space” (with M. Székely)

“Evaluating Dimensional and Distributional Contributions to Multidimensional Poverty” (with S. Alkire)

“Person-Equivalent Poverty Measures” (with T. Castleman and S. Smith)

“Measurement as Social Choice: Commentary on Sen’s Social Choice and Welfare Economics, in The State of Economics, The State of the World (K. Basu, ed.), MIT Press, 2020.

“Person Equivalent Headcount Measures of Poverty” (with T. Castleman and S. Smith), in K. Basu and J. E. Stiglitz, Inequality and Growth: Patterns and Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

“Using Synthetic Panels to Estimate Intergenerational Mobility” (with J. Rothbaum, in Spanish), in México, ¿El Motor Inmóvil?, (Vélez-Grajales, R., J. E. Huerta- Wong y R. M. Campos Vázquez, eds.), CEEY, México, 2016.

“Ending Extreme Poverty and Sharing Prosperity: Progress and Policies” (with M. Cruz, B. Quillin and P. Schellekens), Policy Research Note 101740, World Bank, Washington, DC, October, 2015.

Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis (with S. Alkire, S. Seth, M. E. Santos, J. M. Roche, P. Ballon), Oxford University Press, 2015.

A Unified Approach to Measuring Poverty and Inequality: Theory and Practice (with S. Seth, M. Lokshin, and Z. Sajaia), World Bank Press, 2013.

“Inequality of Happiness in the U.S.: 1972-2010” (with I. Dutta), Review of Income and Wealth, Volume 59, Issue 3, September 2013, pp. 393-415.

“An Axiomatic Approach to the Measurement of Corruption: Theory and Applications” (with A. W. Horowitz and F. Méndez), forthcoming in World Bank Economic Review

“Composite Indices” Rank Robustness, Statistical Association and Redundancy” (with M. McGillivray and S. Seth), forthcoming in Econometric Reviews.

“On Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty” (with I. Dutta and A. Mishra), Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 37, Number 4, 2011, pp. 743-761

“Where Did Identification Go?” (with S. Alkire and M.E. Santos), Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 9, Number 3, 2011. pp. 501-505.

“Counting and Multidimensional Poverty Measurement” (with S. Alkire), Journal of Public Economics, Volume 95, Issues 7-8, August 2011. pp. 476-487.

“Freedom, Opportunity and Wellbeing,” Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, 2 (K. Arrow, A. Sen, and K. Suzumura, eds.), North Holland, 2010.

“The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke Poverty Measures: Twenty Five Years Later” (with J. Greer and E. Thorbecke), Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 8, Number 4, 2010. pp. 491-524.

“Polarization and the Decline of the Middle Class: Canada and the U.S.” (with M. C. Wolfson), Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 8, Number 2, 2010, pp. 247 – 273.

“Investing in Health: The Long-Term Impact of Head Start on Smoking” (with K. Anderson and D. Frisvold), Economic Inquiry, Volume 48, July 2010, pp. 587 – 602.

“A Class of Chronic Poverty Measures” in Poverty Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (T. Addison, D. Hulme, and R. Kanbur, eds.), Oxford University Press, 2009.

“External Capabilities” (with C. Handy) in Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen (K. Basu and R. Kanbur, eds.), Oxford University Press, 2009.

“Is Economic Growth Good for the Poor? Tracking Low Incomes Using General Means” (with M. Székely), International Economic Review, Volume 49, November 2008, pp.1143-1172.

“Inequality Measurement” in The Elgar Companion to Development Studes (D. Clark, ed.), Edward Elgar, 2006.

“Poverty Indices” in Poverty, Inequality and Development: Essays in Honor of Erik Thorbecke (A. de Janvry and R. Kanbur, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.

“Measuring the Distribution of Human Development: Methodology and an Application to Mexico” (with Luis F. Lopez Calva and M. Székely), Journal of Human Development, Volume 6, 2005, pp. 5-25.

“Measuring Health Inequality Using Qualitative Data” (with R. A. Allison), Journal of Health Economics, Volume 23, 2004, pp. 505-524.

“Ranking Investment Projects” (with T. Mitra), Economic Theory, Volume 22, 2003, pp. 469-494.

“Patterns of Racial Mortality and Life Expectancy from 1933 to 1999: Implications for Healthy People 2000” (with R. Levine, R. Fullilove, M. Fullilove, N. Briggs, P. Hull, B. Husaini, and C. Hennekens), Public Health Reports, Special Issue on Health Disparities, Volume 116, September-October 2001, pp. 474-483.

“Path Independent Inequality Measures” (with A. Shneyerov), Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 91, April 2000, pp. 199-222.

“Isolated and Proximate Illiteracy: And Why These Concepts Matter in Measuring Literacy and Designing Education Programs” (with K. Basu and S. Subramanian), Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 35, January 8-14, 2000.

“Lorenz Dominance and the Variance of Logarithms” (with E. A. Ok), Econometrica, Volume 67, July 1999, pp. 901-908.

“A General Class of Additively Decomposable Inequality Measures” (with A. Shneyerov), Economic Theory, Volume 14, 1999, pp. 89-111.

“On Measuring Literacy” (with K. Basu), Economic Journal, Volume 108, November 1998, pp.1733-1749.

“Absolute versus Relative Poverty” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 88, May 1998, pp. 335-341.

“Poverty Orderings for the Dalton Utility-Gap Measures” (with Y. Jin), in The Distribution of Welfare and Household Production: International Perspectives (S. Jenkins, A. Kapteyn, B. van Praag, eds.), Cambridge University Press, 1998.

“On Economic Inequality: After a Quarter Century” (with Amartya Sen), Annex to the enlarged edition of On Economic Inequality, by Amartya Sen, Clarendon Press, 1997 (with editions in Japan, India, and Mexico).

“Complementarily Yours: Free Examination Copies and Textbook Prices” (with A. Horowitz), International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 14, 1996, pp. 85-99.

“Subgroup Consistent Poverty Indices” (with A. F. Shorrocks), Econometrica, Volume 59, May 1991, pp. 687-710.

“Learning Rational Expectations: Classical Conditions Ensure Uniqueness and Global Stability” (with M. Frierman), Economica, Volume 57, November 1990, pp. 439-453.

“Inequality and Welfare in Market Economies” (with M. Majumdar and T. Mitra), Journal of Public Economics, Volume 41, April 1990, pp. 351-367.

“Poverty Orderings and Welfare Dominance” (with A. F. Shorrocks), Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 5, 1988, pp.179-198; reprinted in Distributive Justice and Inequality (W. Gaertner and P. Pattanaik, eds.), Springer Verlag, 1988.

“Inequality and Poverty Orderings” (with A. F. Shorrocks), European Economic Review, Volume 32, 1988, pp. 654-662.

“Transfer Sensitive Inequality Measures” (with A. F. Shorrocks), Review of Economic Studies, Volume 54, July 1987, pp. 485-497.

“Inequality Measurement” in Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics (H.P. Young, ed.), American Mathematical Society, 1985.

“On Economic Poverty: A Survey of Aggregate Measures” in Advances in Econometrics, Volume 3 (R. L. Basmann and G. F. Rhodes, Jr., eds.), 1984.

“Involuntary Unemployment as a Principal-Agent Equilibrium” (with H. Wan), American Economic Review, Volume 74, June 1984, pp. 476-484; reprinted in Efficiency Wage Models of the Labor Market (G. Akerlof and J. Yellen, eds.) Cambridge University Press, 1986.

“A Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures” (with J. Greer and E.Thorbecke) Econometrica, Volume 52, May 1984, pp. 761-766; reprinted in Measurement of Inequality and Poverty (S. Subramanian, ed.), Oxford University Press, 1998; reprinted in Development Economics: Critical Concepts in Development Studies(C. Barrett, ed.), Routledge, 2007.

“An Axiomatic Characterization of the Theil Measure of Income Inequality,” Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 31, October 1983, pp. 105-121.

Econ 8352-Development Economics
Major analytic concepts, measures, theoretical models, and empirical methods of development economics.

Econ 2151-Economic Development
Theories and empirical studies of the economic problems of developing countries.

IAFF 2040-Introduction to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
A basic introduction developed with a Washington audience in mind. Co-taught with Kaushik Basu, Chief Economist at the World Bank.

I also contribute one lecture to the course World on a Plate, let by Chef Jose Andrés, and organize (with Aaditya Dar) a weekly Development Tea, which discusses recent work by faculty, friends and grad students.

July-August 2010. Multidimensional Poverty Debate. There has been an extremely informative debate between Duncan Green, Head of Research for Oxfam, Martin Ravallion, Director of the World Bank’s Development Research Group, Sabina Alkire, Gabriel Demombynes, Senior Economist in the Nairobi office of the World Bank, and James Foster. The debate extended over two blogs: Oxfam and the World Bank. The links are given in a summary.


12th August 2010. Article in the New York Times A long article on India and the impact of the MPI results on the country.


9 August 2010. Linked article in the New York Times An article about hunger in India refers to results from the MPI study, and the online version links to the BBC’s coverage.


3 August 2010. Photographic essay in the Huffington Post An article in the Huffington Post provides a clear description of the MPI and presents the ten poorest countries in photographs.


29 July 2010. Full page article in The Economist The Economist gives a thorough discussion of the MPI and includes an online interview with Sabina Alkire and additional discussion on the Economist’s Blog.


28-29 July, 2010. Columbia Conference. The Colombian government and OPHI hold a conference on poverty measurement. Three hundred academics, government officials and NGO representatives attend. The government presents its new multidimensional methodology based on Alkire-Foster.


26 July 2010. Editorial in The Lancet The Lancet, one of the most respected general medical journal, presented an editorial that described the MPI methodology and its advantages.


26 July 2010. Briefing in Time Magazine Time identified the MPI release as number 4 of the World’s 10 Essential Stories for the week in its Briefing Section.


20 July 2010. Speech by President Alvaro Uribe of Colombia. ‘But poverty is not only the absence of income. The Multidimensional Poverty Index which has just been launched by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, and which examines 10 dimensions of education, health and the standard of living, in a recent report indicates that poverty in Colombia is 9 percent.


14 July 2010. News coverage of release The release was covered by a virtually all Indian Newspapers. The UK the coverage included The Guardian, the New Statesman, BBC (Radio and print), Al-Jazeera (Television), Reuters AlertNet, among others. Other countries represented include US, Holland, Pakistan, China, the Philippines, Colombia, Kenya, Lebanon, France, Ethiopia, Nepal, Bangladesh, and South Africa.


14 July 2010. Joint UNDP-OPHI release of MPI The UN Development Programme announced that the 16 year old Human Poverty Index (HPI) is being replaced by the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) in the 20th Anniversary Human Development Report (HDR). The MPI was constructed using the Alkire-Foster methodology by researchers at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). The cross country empirical work was conducted by Sabina Alkire the Director of OPHI and Maria Emma Santos, a former doctoral student of Foster. The announcement and the advanced release of the 104 country poverty results took place in London, with Jeni Klugman (Editor of the 2010 HDR), Sabina Alkire and James Foster present.


12 July 2010. MPI in India. An article on the MPI in the world’s largest circulation English language newspaper.


2 July 2010. Article in the Financial Times An article on the Chile conference discusses the Alkire-Foster Methodology in depth.


13-14 May 2010. Chile Conference Chile and OPHI hold a conference on multidimensional poverty that highlights the Alkire-Foster methodology. Three hundred representatives from some 12 Latin American Countries were in attendance.


7 March 2010. Cover story in Chronicle of Higher Education This article is an in depth discussion of the multidimensional poverty measure, and more generally on how academic work can impact the real world. It is accompanied by an online audio interview. A follow-up on the Chronicle’s blog related the approach to work on updating the US poverty standard. A second update on the blog links to the discussion of Indian poverty and to Bhutan’s Gross Happiness Index (also built on the Alkire-Foster foundation).


10 December 2009. Mexico Release Mexico selects an official multidimensional poverty measure that is related to Alkire-Foster. The Mexican methodology is outlined in this presentation.