IMF Africa Regional Economic Outlook Discussion

Mon, 9 November, 2015 8:45am - 12:30pm

Monday, November 9, 2015
8:45am to 12:30pm
Elliott School of International Affairs
Lindner Commons, 6th floor
1957 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20052


IMF Africa Regional Economic Outlook Discussion


Africa continues to experience great opportunities for growth while also facing several great challenges. Sustained economic growth, income inequality, gender disparities, and competitiveness in the global trade arena are all issues with the potential to make or break the continent’s development as a region. The African Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) publishes the Regional Economic Outlook (REO): Sub-Saharan Africa report twice a year. The Africa REO reviews economic developments and trends in the region.

This event will feature presentations of the three REO chapters and a discussion by external experts and IIEP faculty of the topical areas covered in the reports. The full report is available on the IMF website.

  • Opening Remarks

    • Stephen Smith, Director, Institute for International Economic Policy, GWU

    Session I: Dealing with the Gathering Clouds

    • Celine Allard, Lead Author of the Africa Regional Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund
    • Fred Joutz, Professor of Economics, GWU
    • Augustin Fosu, Professor, Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana

    Session II: Competitiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa: Marking Time or Moving Ahead

    • Bhaswar Mukhopadhyay, Deputy Division Chief, African Department, International Monetary Fund
    • Fariha Kamal, Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Bureau of the Census
    • Danny Leipziger, Professor of Practice of International Business, GWU; Managing Director, Growth Dialogue

    Session III: Inequality and Economic Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa

    • Dalia Hakura, Deputy Division Chief, African Department, International Monetary Fund
    • James Foster, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, GWU
    • Louise Fox, Visiting Professor of Development Practice, University of California-Berkeley

    For more information, please contact Kyle Renner at [email protected] or 202-994-5320.

    Co-sponsored by:

The Elliott School of International Affairs Foggy Bottom Campus 1957 E Street, NW Washington DC 20052

Open to everyone.

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