In the past five years:
- 2023
Danny Leipziger, “Bolstering the Case for the World Bank’s Roadmap for Reform,” February 2023.
- 2022
Barnett, Michael, Humanitarianism’s New Business Model, Brill, October 2022.
Agur, Itai and Sharma, Sunil, “On Implementing Macroprudential Policy,” SUERF, June 2022.
Baird, Sarah, “Compounding inequalities: Adolescent psychosocial wellbeing and resilience among refugee and host communities in Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic,” PLOS ONE, Feburary 2, 2022.
Teitelbaum, Emanuel, “Fast Fashion or Clean Clothes? Estimating The Value of Labor Standards,” January 2022.
- 2021
Aaronson, Susan, “Could Trade Agreements Help Address the Wicked Problem of Cross-Border Disinformation?,” Centre For International Governance Innovation, July 6, 2021.
Aaronson, Susan, “Data is disruptive: How data sovereignty is challenging data governance,” Hinrich Foundation, August 3, 2021.
- 2020
Aaronson, Susan with Thomas Struett, “Data Is Divisive: A History of Public Communications on E-commerce, 1998–2020,” Centre For International Governance Innovation, December 14, 2020.
Sinclair, Tara with Jacob T. Jones, and Herman O. Stekler, “A Textual Analysis of Bank of England Growth Forecasts,” Forthcoming.
Joshi, Sumit, “Network Formation with Multigraphs and Strategic Complementarities,” with Ahmed Saber Mahmud and Sudipta Sarangi, May 2020. Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Theory
Moore, Michael, “Do Trade Rules Trump Climate Commitments: Indian Solar Panel Dispute”, Forthcoming, World Trade Review
Sinclair, Tara, “Characteristics and implications of Chinese macroeconomic data revisions“, Forthcoming, International Journal of Forecasting
Szakonyi, David. “Private Sector Policymaking: Business Background and Politicians’ Behavior in Office.” Journal of Politics, 2020.
Petkovik, J., Jull, J., Yoganathan, O.D., Baird, S., Grimshaw, J.M., Johansson, K.A., Kristjansson, E., McGowan, J., Moher, D., Petticrew, M., Robberstad, B., Shea, B., Tugwell, P., Volmink, J., Wells, G.A., Whitehead, M., Cuervo, L.G., White, H., Taljaard, M., and Welch, V. (2020). “Reporting of health equity considerations in cluster and individually randomized trials.” Trials, Vol. 21 (308).
Kuka, Elira, Shenhav, Na’ama and Kevin Shih, “Do Human Capital Decisions Respond to the Returns to Education? Evidence from DACA”, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2020, Vol. 12 (1): 293-324.
Chen, Maggie, “Geographic Connectivity and Cross-border Investment: The Belts, Roads and Skies” (with Chuanhao Lin), Journal of Development Economics, September 2020.
Weinberger, Ariel, “Markups and Misallocation with Evidence with Evidence from Exchange Rate Shocks” Journal of Development Economics, 146, September 2020.
Adida, Claire, Gottlieb, Jessica, Kramon, Eric and Gwyneth McClendon, “When Does Information Influence Voters: The Joint Importance of Salience and Coordination”, Comparative Political Studies, May 2020.
Joshi, Sumit, “Regional Shocks and the Formation of Interconnected Markets,” with Ahmed Saber Mahmud, May 2020. Revised and resubmitted to Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Joshi, Sumit, “Sanctions in Networks,” with Ahmed Saber Mahmud, May 2020. Revise and resubmit to European Economic Review.
Joshi, Sumit, “Multiplex Formation”, with A. Mahmud and H. Tzavellas, May 2020.
Kaminsky, Graciela Laura, Medina, Leandro, and Shiyi Wang, “The Financial Center Leverage Cycle: Does It Spread around the World? AEA Papers and Proceedings”, 110: 504-510, May 2020.
Pelzman, Joseph, “The Spillover Effects of the Re-Imposed United States Sanctions on Iran on MENA, the PRC, Russia, and Turkey”, Global Economy Journal, May 2020, Volume 20, Issue 2
Joshi, Sumit, “Inheritance and the Evolution of Networks across Generations”, with A. Mahmud, S. Sarangi and H. Tzavellas, May 2020.
Chiswick, Barry R. Uzi Rebhun, and Nadia Beider, “Language Acquisition, Employment Status, and the Earnings of Jewish and Non-Jewish Immigrants in Israel”, International Migration, 2020, Vol. 28, No. 2,pp. 205-232
Chen, Maggie, “The Value of Reputation in Trade: Evidence from Alibaba” (with Min Wu) Review of Economics and Statistics.
Charnovitz, Steve. “How the Topsy-Turvy Trade World Affects Climate Change Cooperation” in Cool Heads in a Warming World Part Four. Yale, 2020.
Broxterman, Daniel and Anthony Yezer, “Measuring Human Capital Divergence in a Growing Economy:, Journal of Urban Economics, 2020.
Brierley, Sarah, Kramon, Eric and George Ofosu, “The Moderating Effect of Debates on Political Attitudes”, American Journal of Political Science, 2020, 64 (1): 19-37.
Baird, S., Hamory Hicks, J., Ozier, O. (2020). “Randomized control trial as social observatory: A case study.” World Development. Vol. 127, 104787.
Bartels, Brandon L. and Eric Kramon, “Does Public Support for Judicial Power Depend on who is in Political Power? Testing a Theory of Partisan Alignment in Africa”, American Political Science Review, 2020, 114 (1): 144-63.
Pandolfi, Lorenzo and Tomas Williams, Real Effects of Sovereign Debt Inflow Shocks, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2020.
Dunning, Thad, et. al. (with Eric Kramon), “Voter Information Campaigns and Political Accountability: Cumulative Findings from a Pre-registered Meta-analysis of Coordinated Trials”, Science Advances, 2020, Volume 5 Issue 7.
Joshi, Sumit, “Multi-relational Network Formation with Spillovers,” with Pascal Billand, Christophe Bravard, Ahmed Saber Mahmud and Sudipta Sarangi, April 2020.
Williams, Ben, “Nonparametric identification of discrete choice models with lagged dependent variables,” Journal of Econometrics, Mar 2020, Volume 215, Issue 1, March 2020, Pages 286-304
Chiswick, Barry R. and Christina Houseworth, “Divorce Among European and Mexican Immigrants in the US”, Review of Economics of the Household, 2020, Vol 18, No 1, March 2020, pp. 1-25.
Dean, Adam and Jonathan Obert, “Shocked into Service: Free Trade and the American South’s Military Burden,” International Interactions, Jan 2020.
- 2019
Weinberger, Ariel, “Exporter Heterogeneity and Price Discrimination: A Quantitative View” (with Ina Simonovska and Jae Wook Jung), Journal of International Economics, 116, 103-124, 2019.
Song, Chen and Chao Wei, “Unemployment or Out of the Labor Force: A Perspective from Time Allocation, Labour Economics”, Dec 2019.
Petroni, S., Yates, R., Siddiqi, M., Luo, C., Finnie, A., Walker, D., Welbourn, A., Langevin-Falcon, C., Cappa, C., Palermo, T., Ngo, T., Baird, S., Makokha, J., Singh, S., Paul, M., Ndlovu, P., Mannikko, R., Raj, A., Ameyan, W., Okondo, H., Mouli Venkatraman, C. (2019). “Understanding the Relationships between HIV and Child Marriage: Conclusions from an Expert Consultation.” Journal of Adolescent Health, Vol. 64(6), pp. 694-696.
Pelzman, Joseph and Murat Isaabayev, “A Model of FDI Spillover in a Natural Resource Rich LDC”, Resources Policy, Vol.64, December 2019.
Leipziger, Daniel. “Combining Gender and growth Diagnostics for the Benefit of Both,” WORLD ECONOMICS Vol. 20, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2019.
Jull, J., Graham, I.D., Krisjansson, E., Moher, D., Petkovic. J., Yoganathan, M. Tugwell, P., Welch, V., and the CONSORT-Equity and Boston Equity Symposium participants (Baird, S. is a participant in the CONSORT-Equity Boston Equity Symposium). (2019). “Taking an integrated knowledge translation approach in research to develop the CONSORT-Equity 2017 reporting guideline: an observational study.” BMJ Open, Vol. 9 (7).
Joshi, Sumit, “Structural Balance and Welfare,” with Ahmed Saber Mahmud, November 2019.
Smith, Stephen, “A Health Voice Messaging Intervention to Improve Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in Senegal,” with S. Downs, J. Fanzo, J. Kalaj, and J. Sackey, Maternal & Child Nutrition, Volume 15, Issue 4, October 2019:
Rafanelli, Lucia M., “Promoting Justice Across Borders”, Political Studies, Sep 2019, Published online, DOI: 10.1177/0032321719875402; Peer-reviewed.
Sinclair, Tara with Mariano Mamertino, Migration and online job search: A gravity model approach, Forthcoming, Economics Letters, Vol. 181, 51-53, August 2019
Huang, Cheng, Xiaojing Ma, Shiying Zhang, Qingguo Zhao. “Numerological preferences, timing of births and the long-term effect on schooling” Journal of Population Economics In pressHuang, Cheng, Zhang, Shiying, and Qingguo Zhao, “The early bird catches the worm? School entry cutoff and the timing of births” Journal of Development Economics Volume 143, 2019.
Huang, Cheng, Zhang, Shiying, Zhao, Qingguo and Yan Lin “Dragon year superstition, birth timing, and neonatal health outcomes” China Economic Review.
Frye, Timothy, Reuter, Ora John and David Szakonyi. “Vote Brokers, Clientelist Appeals, and Voter Turnout: Evidence from Russia and Venezuela.” World Politics 71(4), 710-746, 2019.
Fennell, Melanie A. and Irene R. Foster, “Revisiting the Role of a Basic Math Assessment in Predicting Student Performance in Principles of Microeconomics”, Journal of Economics and Economics Education Research, 2019, Volume 20, Issue 2, 2019.
Charnovitz, Steve. “Grading Trump’s China Strategy” in European Yearbook of International Law 2019 (M. Bungenberg et al eds.), Cham: Springer, 2019, 217-256.
Charnovitz, Steve. “A WTO if you can keep it,” November 2019
Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M., Johnson, Jasmine McGinnis, and Dangis Gudelis, “Are Our Assumptions about Diaspora and Immigrant Philanthropy Generalizable? Exploring the Relevance to High-Income Countries of Origin, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly”, Oct 2019, Vol. 48, No. 5 (2019): 1094-1109.
Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M., Graham, Benjamin T., “Mobile Innovators, Stanford Social Innovation Review”, Sep 2019, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Fall 2019): 40-45.
Baird, Sarah et. al. “Do Gender Attitudes and Norms Influence Physical and Mental Health during Adolescence? Evidence from Bangladesh and Ethiopia”, Social Science and Medicine Population Health, Dec 2019, Special issue: “Gender Empowerment and Health: From Measurement to Impact” Volume 9.
Baird, S., McIntosh, C., and Özler, B. (2019) “When the Money Runs Out: Do Cash Transfers Have Sustained Effects?” Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 140, pp. 169-185.
Brauner-Otto, S., Baird, S., Ghimire, D. (2019). “Maternal employment and child health in Nepal: The importance of job type and timing across the child’s first five years.” Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 224, pp. 94-105.
Kaplan, Stephen B. and Michael Penfold, “The Story of the Creditor Trap: How China Reduced its Venezuelan Risk.”, Foreign Affairs Latino América., Jun 2019.
Dean, Adam and Simeon Kimmel. “Beyond the Sacklers: Free-trade policies contributed to the opioid epidemic,” Boston Globe, Oct 2019
Dean, Adam. “Free trade doesn’t just lead to job loss. It means more deaths from drug overdoses and increased military recruitment.”, Monkey Cage, Jul 2019.
Charnovitz, Steve. The Historical Lens in International Economic Law, Journal of International Economic Law, jgz004, 2019
Agur, Itai with Melissa Chan, Mangal Goswami and Sunil Sharma, On international integration of emerging sovereign bond markets, Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 38, 347-363, 2019
Kaminsky, Graciela Laura, “Boom-Bust Capital Flow Cycles”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance,Oxford University Press, July 2019.
Williams, Ben, “Identification of the linear factor model,” Econometric Reviews, Jul 2019, Volume 39, 2020.
Kramon, Eric and Keith Weghorst, “(Mis)Measuring Sensitive Attitudes with the List Experiment: Solutions to List Experiment Breakdown in Kenya”, Public Opinion Quarterly, June 2019, Volume 83, Issue S1, 2019, Pages 236–263.
Chiswick, Barry R. and Nicholas Larsen, “The Impact of Exposure to Missionaries on the English Language Proficiency and Earnings of Immigrants in the U.S, International Journal of Manpower”, March 2019.
Jedwab, Remi with Dietrich Vollrath, The Urban Mortality Transition and Poor Country Urbanization, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Vol. 11, 223-75, January 2019
Before 2019:
- 2018
Charnovitz, Steve. How American Rejectionism Undermines International Economic Law, Trade, Law and Development, Vol. 10, 226-269, 2018
Chhibber, Ajay with FICCI Economics Team, “Envisioning India 2030,” Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, 2018
Chiswick, Carmel, “The Jewish State and State Judaism: An Economic Perspective,” Jewish Population and Identity, 143-150. 2018
Chen, Maggie X. with Cathy Ge Bao, “Foreign Rivals are Coming to Town: Responding to the Threat of Foreign Multinational Entry,”American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol 10(4), 120-157, 2018. See the Online Appendix here.
Chen, Maggie X. with Laura Alfaro, “Selection and Market Reallocation: Productivity Gains from Multinational Production,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol 10(2), Lead Article 1-38, 2018.
Smith, Stephen C. with Yao Pan and Munshi Sulaiman, “Agricultural Extension and Technology Adoption for Food Security: Evidence from Uganda,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 100(4), 1012-1031, July 2018. Read the policy brief here. Read the U.S. Government’s post highlighting their work here.
Aaronson, Susan Ariel with Patrick Leblond, “Another Digital Divide: The Rise of Data Realms and its Implications for the WTO,” Journal of International Economic Law, Vol 21(2), 245-272, June 2018
Smith, Stephen C. with Uwe Jirjahn, “Nonunion Employee Representation: Theory and the German Experience with Mandated Works Councils,” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Vol 89(1), 201-234, March 2018
Kaplan, Stephen, “Fighting Past Economic Wars: Crisis and Austerity in Latin America,” Latin American Research Review, Vol. 53(1), 19-37, March 2018
Sinclair, Tara, with Amy Y. Guisinger, Ruben Hernandez-Murillo, and Michael T.Owyang, “A state-level analysis of Okun’s law,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol 68, 239-248, January 2018
Colon-Ramos, Uriyoan. “Changing Places, Changing Plates? A Binational Comparison of Barriers and Facilitators to Healthful Eating Among Central American Communities” , J Immigr Minor Health, Vol. 20(3), Jun 2018
Moore, Timothy J. “The Mortality Effects of RetiremeArun S. Maliknt: Evidence from Social Security Eligibility at Age 62”, Journal of Public Economics , Vol. 157, 2018
Szakonyi, David. “Businesspeople in Elected Office: Identifying Private Benefits from Firm-Level Returns” , American Political Science Review , Vol. , 112(2), 2018
Timoshenko, Olga A. “Firm Learning and Growth”, Review of Economic Dynamics , Vol. 27, 2018
Williams, Tomas. “Capital Flows and Sovereign Debt Markets: Evidence from Index Rebalancings” , Journal of Financial Economics , 2018
Carillo, Paul E. with Andrea Lopez-Luzuriaga and Arun S. Malik, Pollution or crime: The effect of driving restrictions on criminal activity, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 164, 50-69, 2018
Williams, Tomas. Capital Inflows, Sovereign Debt and Bank Lending: Micro-Evidence from an Emerging Market, The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 31, 4958–4994, 2018
Kaplan, Stephe . Fighting Past Economic Wars: Crisis and Austerity in Latin America, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 53(1), 19–37, 2018
Carrillo, Paul E. with Andrea Lopez-Luzuriaga and Arun S.Malik, Pollution or crime: The effect of driving restrictions on criminal activity, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 164, 50-69, August 2018
Szakonyi, David. with Timothy Frye, and Ora John Reuter, Hitting Them With Carrots: Voter Intimidation and Vote Buying in Russia, British Journal of Political Science, Vol. , February 2018
Timoshenko, Olga A.with Erick Sager, The Double EMG Distribution and Trade Elasticities, Canadian Journal of Economics, February 2018
Williams, Tomas. “Capital Inflows, Sovereign Debt and bank Lending: Micro-Evidence from an Emerging Market”, Review of Financial Studies, 2018
- 2017
Carillo, Paul E.,“Dodging the Taxman: Firm Misreporting and Limits to Tax Enforcement”, AEJ: Applied Economics, Vol. 9(2), 144-164, 2017
Williams, Tomas, “International asset allocations and capital flows: The benchmark effect,” Journal of International Economics, September 2017.
Malik, ArunS. with Aaron A. Elrod, “The effect of environmental regulation on plant-level product mix: A study of EPA’s Cluster Rule,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 83, 164-184, May 2017 Kaminsky, Graciela Laura, “Globalización en la periferia: qué se gana y qué se pierde en la política monetaria,” Boletín, Vol 62 (2), 121-132 April 2017 Kaplan, Stephen, “Partisan technocratic cycles in Latin America,” Electoral Studies, Vol. 45, 219-229, February 2017
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“How Self-Objectification Impacts Physical Activity Among Adolescent Girls in Costa Rica”, J Phys Act Health, vol. 14(2), Feb 2017.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“Formative Research to Design a Promotional Campaign to Increase Drinking Water amog Central American Latino Youth in an Urban Area”, J Health Commun, Vol. 22(6), Jun 2017.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“How Latina mothers navigate a ‘food swamp’ to feed their children: a photovoice approach”, Public Health Nutrition, Vol. 20(11), Aug 2017.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“Progress towards elimination of trans-fatty acids in foods commonly consumed in four Latin American cities”, Public Health Nutri, Vol. 20(13), Sep 2017.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“Transnational Mortality Comparisons Between Archipelago and Mainland Puerto Ricans”, J Immigr Minor Health, Vol. 19(5), Oct 2017.
Jedwab, Remi. “Demography, Urbanization and Development: Rural Push, Urban Pull… and Urban Push?” , Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 98, 6-16, March 2017
Kaplan , Stephen B. “Partisan Technocratic Cycles in Latin America”, THe Journal of Politics , Vol. 79(2), 2017
Kaplan, Stephen B.. “The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt: Global Finance and Electoral Cycles” , The Journal of Politics, Vol. 79(2) , 2017
Kramon, Eric. “Electoral Fraud or Violence: The Effect of Observers on Party Manipulation Strategies” , British Journal of Political Science , 2017
Kramon, Eric. “Ethnic Group Institutions and Electoral Clientelism”, Party Politics, 2017
Kramon, Eric. “Segregation, Ethnic Favoritism, and the Strategic Targeting of Local Public Goods” , Comparative Political Studies , 2017
Kramon, Eric. “Reducing or Reinforcing In-Group Preferences? An Experiment on information and Ethnic Voting” , Quarterly Journal of Political Science , Vol. 12(4), 2017
Malik, Arun. “The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Plant Level Product Mix: A Study of EPA’s Cluster Rule”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , Vol. 83, 2017
Mann, Michael. “Ethiopian wheat yield and yield gap estimation: A spatially explicit small area integrated data approach” , Field Crops Research , Vol. 201, 2017
Moore, Michael. “Carbon Safeguard? Managing the Friction Between Climate Policy and Trade Policy”, Journal of World Trade, Vol. 51(1), 2017
Moore, Timothy J. “The Effect of Disability Insurance Payments on Beneficiaries’ Earnings” , American Economic Journal: Economic POlicy , Vol. 9(3), 2017
Sinclair, Tara. “Testing Stationarity with Unobserved Components Models” , Macroeconomics Dynamics , Vol. 21(1), 2017
Sinclair, Tara. “A nonparametric approach to identifying a subset of forecasters that outperforms the simple average” , Empirical Economics , Vol. 53(1), 2017
Timoshenko, Olga A. “Entry Assumptions and Welfare Gains from Trade” , Economics Letters , Vol. 195, 2017
Williams, Tomas. “International Asset Allocations and Capital Flows: The Benchmark Effect” , Journal of International Economics , Vol. 108, 2017
Chen, Maggie with Laura Alfaro, Transportation Cost and the Geography of Foreign Investment, Harvard Business School BGIE Unit, 2017
Williams, Tomas with Lorenzo Pandolfi, Capital Flows and Sovereign Debt Markets: Evidence from Index Rebalancings, 2017
Jedwab, Remi with Edward Kerby, History, Path Dependence and Development: Evidence from Colonial Railroads, Settlers and Cities in Kenya, The Economic Journal, Vol. , January 2017
- 2016
Carillo, Pual E., “Driving Restrictions that Work? Quito’s Pico y Placa Program,”Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 39 (4), 1536-1568, 2016
Kaplan, Stephen, “Banking unconditionally: the political economy of Chinese finance in Latin America,” Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 23, 346-676, September 2016
Charnovitz, Steve, “John Jackson and the GATT’s Transformation,” World Trade Review, Vol. 15(3), 401-403, July 2016
Kramon, Eric, “Electoral Handouts as Information,”World Politics, May 2016.
Carillo, Paul, E., “Counterfactual Spatial Distributions,”Journal of Regional Science, Vol 56(5), 868-894, May 2016
Brinkerhoff, Jennifer, “Assimilation and Heritage Identity: Lessons from the Coptic Diaspora,”Journal of International Migration and Integration, Vol. 17 (2), 467-485, May 2016
Kramon, Eric with Daniel N. Posner, “Ethnic Favoritism in Education in Kenya,”Quarterly Journal of Political Science, April 2016.
Chhibber, Ajay, “Assessing and Evaluating the Addis Ababa Action Agenda(AAAA),”India National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, March 2016.
Kaminsky, Graciela Laura, with Pablo Vega-Garcia, “Systemic and idiosyncratic sovereign debt crises,” Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 14(1), 80-114, February 2016
Aaronson, Susan, “The Digital Trade Imbalance and Its Implications for Internet Governance,”Global Commission on Internet Governance, February 2016.
Alkire, Sabina, “Measuring Women’s Autonomy in Chad Using the Relative Autonomy Index,” Feminist Economics, Vol 22 (1), 265-294, January 2016
Charnovitz, Steve, “An Appraisal of the Labor Chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership,”Committee on Ways and Means Democrats, January 2016.
Smith, Stephen C. with Verena Dill and Uwe Jirjahn, “Do Foreign Owners Favor Short-Term Profit? Evidence from Germany,”Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40, 123–140, January 2016.
Shambaugh, Jay C. with Joong Shik Kang, “The rise and fall of European current account deficits,” Economic Policy, Vol 31 (85), 153-199, January 2016
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“Household food insecurity as a determinant of overweight and obesity among low-income HIspanic subgroups: Data from the 2011-2012 California Health Interview Survey”, Appetite, Vol. 97, Feb 2016.
Jedwab, Remi. “Urbanization with and without Industrializaiton” , Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 21(1), 35-70, March 2016
Jedwab, Remi. “The Permanent Effects of Transportation Revolutions in Poor Countries: Evidence from Africa” , Review of Economics and Statistics , Vol. 98(2), 269-284, May 2016
Kaminsky, Graciela Laura. “Systematic and Idiosyncratic Sovereign Debt Crises” , Journal of European Economic Association , Vol. 14(1), Feb 2016
Stephen B, Kaplan. “Banking Unconditionally: The Political Economy of Chinese Finance in Latin America” , Review of International Political Economy , Vol. 23(4), 2016
King, Marcus D. “The Weaponizing of Water in Iraq and Syria” , Washington Quarterly , Vol. 38(4), Winter 2016
Kramon, Eric. “Ethnic Favoritism in Education in Kenya”, Quarterly Journal of Political Science , Vol. 11(1) , 2016
Kramon, Eric. “Ethnic Favoritism in Education in Kenya”, Quarterly Journal of Political Science , Vol. 11(1) , 2016
Kramon, Eric. “Where is Vote Buying Effective: Evidence from a List of Experiment in Kenya”, Electoral Studies , Vol. 33, 2016
Kramon, Eric. “Electoral Handouts as Information: Explaining Unmonitored Vote Buying”, World Politics , Vol. 68(3), 2016
Malik, Arun. “Using VIIRS Day/Night Band to Measure Electricity Supply Reliability: Preliminary Results from Maharashtra, India”, Remote Sensing , Vol. 8(9), 2016
Malik, Arun. “Driving Restrictions That Work? Quito’s Pico y Placa Program” , Journal of Economics , Vol. 49(4), 2016
Mann, Michael. “Using VIIRS Day/Night Band to Measure Electricity Supply Reliability: Preliminary Results from Maharashtra, India” , Remote Sensing , Vol. 8(9), 2016
Moore, Timothy J. “The White/Black Educational Gap, Stalled Progress, and the Long-term Consequences of the Emergence of Crack Cocaine Markets”, Review of Economics and Statistics , Vol. 85(5), 2016
Price, Marie. Unintended Return: U.S. Deportations and the Fractious Politics of Mobility for Latinos , Annals of the Association of American Geographers , Vol. 106(2), 2016
Sinclair, Tara. “Evaluating Forecasts of a Vector of Variables: A German Forecasting Competition” , Journal of Forecasting , Vol. 35(6), 2016
Baird, Sarah with Joan Hamory Hicks, Michael Kremer, and Edward Miguel, Worms at Work: Long-run Impacts of a Child Health Investment, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 131, 1637–1680, 2016
Chiswick, Barry R. with Marina Gindelsky, Determinants of bilingualism among children: an econometric analysis, Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 14, 489–506, 2016
Timoshenko, Olga A. with Paulo Bastos and Daniel A. Dias, Learning, Prices, and Firm Dynamics, Canadian Journal of Economics , Vol. 27, 2016
- 2015
Alkire, Sabina with Jose Manuel Roche, Suman Seth and Andy Sumner, “Identifying the Poorest People and Groups: Strategies Using the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index,” Journal of International Development, 27 (2015), 362-387.
Carillo, Paul E., “Can Tightness in the Housing Market Help Predict Subsequent Home Price Appreciation? Evidence from the US and the Netherlands,” Real Estate Economics, Vol. 43 (3), 609-651, 2015
Jedwab, Remi, Miguel, Edward, Burgess, Robin, Morjaria, Ameet, and Padro-i-Miguel, Gerard, “The Value of Democracy: Evidence from Road Building in Kenya,”American Economic Review, 2015. Vol. 105 (6): 1817-51.
DuBois King, Marcus, “Climate Change and Vietnamese Fisheries: Opportunities for Conflict Prevention” 2015, Center for Climate and Security, pp. 55-63.
Baird, Sarah, “When Should Governments Subsidize Health? The Case of Mass Deworming,” World Bank Economics Review, Vol 29(1), s9-s24, 2015
Moore, Michael O. with Mark Wu, “Antidumping and Strategic Industrial Policy: Tit-for-Tat Trade Remedies and the China–X-Ray Equipment Dispute,” World Trade Review, Vol. 14(2), 239-286, April 2015
Charnovitz, Steve, “Canada – Renewable Energy: Implications for WTO Law on Green and Not-So-Green Subsidies,” World Trade Review, 177-210
Chiswick, Barry R., “International Migration and the Economics of Language,” Handbook on the Economics of International Migration, Vol. 1A, 211-269, 2015
Chiswick, Barry R., “Negative and Positive Assimilation by Prices and Quantities,” Australian Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 18(1), 3-26
Chiswick, Barry R., “The Awarding of PhDs in the United States and Canada: War, the Draft and Other Economic Determinants,” Applied Economics, Vol. 47 (28), 2939-2958, 2015
Chiswick, Barry R., “Russian Jewish Immigrants in the United States: The Adjustment of their English Language Proficiency and Earnings in the American Community Survey,” Contemporary Jewry, Vol 35(3), 191-209, October 2015
Chiswick, Carmel U., “Immigrants and Religion,” Handbook on the Economics of International Immigration, Vol. 1, 375-385, 2015
Aaronson, Susan, “Why Trade Agreements are not Setting Information Free: The Lost History and Reinvigorated Debate over Cross-Border Data Flows, Human Rights and National Security”, World Trade Review, April 2015.
Moore, Michael O. with Mark Wu, “Antidumping and Strategic Industrial Policy: Tit-for-Tat Trade Remedies and the China–X-Ray Equipment Dispute,” World Trade Review, Vol. 14(2), 239-286, April 2015
Pelzman, Joseph “PRC Outward Investment in the USA and Europe: A Model of R&D Acquisition,” Review of Development Economics, Vol. 19(1), 1-14, February 2015
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“Association between dietary patterns during pregnancy and birth size measures in a diverse population in Southern US”, Nutrients, Vol .7(2), February 2015.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“The influence of gender stereotypes on eating habits among Costa Rican adolescents”,AM J Health Promot, 29(5), May-Jun 2015.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos,“Moving Toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) to Achieve Inclusive and Sustainable Health Development: Three Essential Strategies Drawn From Asian Experience Comment on “Improving the World’s Health Through the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Perspectives from Rwanda”, Int J Health Policy Manag, Vol. 4(12), August 2015.
Huang, Cheng. “Ambient air pollution and adverse birth outcomes: a natural experiment study” , Population Health Metrics , Vol. 13, 2015.
Jedwab, Remi. “Urbanization without Growth in Historical Perspective”, Explorations in Economic History , Vol. 58, 1-21, October 2015
Jedwab, Remi. “The Value of Democracy: Evidence from Road Building in Kenya”, American Economic Review, Vol. 105(6), 2015
Mann, Michael. “Testing competing models of the temperature hiatus: assessing the effects of conditioning variables and temporal uncertainties through sample-wide break detection” , Climate Change , Vol. 131(4), 2015
Moore, Michael. “Antidumping and Strategic Industrial Policy: Tit-for-Tat Trade Remedies and the China-X-Ray Equipement Dispute” , World Trade Review , Vol. 14(2) , April 2015
Moore, Michael. “Sanctuary markets and antidumping: an empirical analysis of U.S. exporters” , Review of World Economics , Vol. 151(2), May 2015
Moore, Timothy J. “The Employment Effects of Terminating Disability Benefits”, Journal of Public Economics , Vol. 104, 2015
Pelzman, Joseph. “PRC Outward Investment in the USA and Europe: A Model of R&D Acquisition” , Review of Development Economics , Vol. 19(2), 2015
Price, Marie. “Critical Reflection Mapping as a Hybrid Methodology for Examining Sociospatial Perceptions of New Research Sites”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 105(1), 2015
Price, Marie. “Building Collaborative Research Opportunities into Study Abroad Programs: A Case study from Panama”, Journal of Geography in Higher Education , Vol. 39(1), 2015
Rain, David. Agency, Access, and Anopheles: Neighborhood Health Perceptions and the Implications for Community Health Interventions in Accra, Ghana, Global Health Action , Vol. 8, 2015
Sinclair, Tara. “How Well Does “Core” Inflation Capture Permanent Price Changes?” , Macroeconomic Dynamics , Vol. 9(4), June 2015
Sinclair, Tara. “Evaluating a Vector of the Fed’s Forecasts” , International Journal of Forecasting , Vol. 31(1), 2015
Sinclair, Tara. “Okun’s Law in Real Time “, International Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 31(1), 2015
Sinclair, Tara. “What can we learn from revisions to the Greenbook forecasts?” , Journal of Macroeconomics , Vol. 45, 2015
Spencer, Jennifer W. “Strategic Responses to FDI in Emerging Markets: Are Core Members More Responsive Than Peripheral Members of Business Groups?”, Academy of Management Journal , Vol. 51(6), 2015
Timoshenko, Olga A. “Learning versus Sunk Costs Explanations of Export Persistence” , European Economic Review , Vol. 79, 2015
Timoshenko, Olga A. “Product Switching in a Model of Learning”, Journal of INternational Economics , Vol. 95(2), 2015
Yezer, Anthony. “Why Does Skill Intensity Vary Across Cities? The Role of Housing Cost”, Regional Science and Urban Economics , Vol. 55(1), 2015
Yezer, Anthony. “The Energy Implication of City Size and Density” , Journal of Urban Economics , Vol. 90(1), 2015
- 2014
Carillo, Paul E., “A panel of interarea price indices for all areas in the United States 1982-2012”, Journal of Housing Economics, Vol. 26, 81-93, December 2014
Charnovitz, Steve, “The Field of International Economic Law,” Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 17(3), 607-626, September 2014
Sabina Alkire, “Measuring Acute Poverty in the Developing World: Robustness and Scope for the Multidimensional Poverty Index”, World Development, Vol. 59
Moore, Michael O. with Jeffery L. Dunoff, “Footloose and duty-free? Reflections on European Union – Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Footwear from China,” World Trade Review, Vol . 13(2), 149-178, April 2014
Smith, Stephen C. with M. Shahe Emran and Fenohasina Maret-Rakotondrazaka, “Education and Freedom of Choice: Evidence from Arranged Marriages in Vietnam,”Journal of Development Studies, Vol 50, No. 4, 481-501, April 2014.
Baird, Sarah, “Conditional, Unconditional and Everything in Between: A Systematic Review of the Effects of Cash Transfer Programs on School Outcomes,” Journal of Development Effectiveness, Vol. 6(1), 1-43, 2014
Baird, Sarah, “The heterogeneous effects of HIV testing,” Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 37, 98-112, 2014
Chen, Maggie X. with Laura Alfaro, “The Global Agglomeration of Multinational Firms,” Journal of International Economics, Vol. 94(2), 263-376, 2014. NBER Working Paper #15576
Sinclair, Tara and Julia Bersch, “Statistical versus economic output gap measures: evidence from Mongolia,” Economics Bulletin, Vol 34, No. 3, pages 1864-1874, 2014.
Brinkerhoff, Jennifer, “Diaspora Philanthropy: lessons from a Demographic Analysis of the Coptic Diaspora,” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 13 (6), 969-992, 2014,
Carrillo, Paul E., “Sticky floors and glass ceilings in Latin America,” Journal of Economic Inequality, Vol. 12(3), 339-361, 2014
Charnovitz, Steve, “Green Subsidies and the WTO,” World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
Aaronson, Susan With Rod Abouharb, “Does the WTO help member states improve governance?”, World Trade Review, 13, iss 3, (2014): 547-582.
Smith, Stephen C. with M. Shahe Emran and Virginia Robano, “Assessing the Frontiers of Ultra-Poverty Reduction: Evidence from CFPR/TUP, an Innovative Program in Bangladesh,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, February 2014.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos, “The association between fruit and vegetable intake, knowledge of the recommendations and health information seeking within adults in the U.S. mainland and in Puerto Rico”, Journal of Health Communication, Vol. 20(10), 2014.
Uriyoan Colon-Ramos, “Rising Overweight-Obesity and Its Socio-Demographic Correlates in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2010-2011“, BMC Public Health, 2014.
Huang, Cheng. “Malnutrition in early life and adult mental health: evidence from natural experiment”, Social Science & Medicine , Vol. , 97, 2014
Huang, Cheng. “Can China diminish its burden of non-comminucable diseases and injuries by promoting health in its policies, practices, and incentives.” , The Lancet, Vol. 384, Issue 9945, Aug. 2014
King, Marcus D. Climate and Energy Security: Evidence, Emerging Risks and a New Agenda, Climate Change, Vol. 123(1), March 2014
Malik, Arun. “The Desirability of Forgiveness in Regulatory Enforcement” , Journal of Regulatory Economics , Vol. 46(1), 2014
Mann, Michael. “Modeling Residential Development in California: Wildland Encroachment & Wildfire Risk 2000-2050” , Journal of Regional Science , Vol. 41, 2014
Moore, Michael. “Footloose and duty free? Reflections on European Union Antidumping Measures on Certain Footwear from China” , World Trade Review , Vol. 13(2), April 2014
Sinclair, Tara. “Statistical versus economic output gap measures: evidence from Mongolia”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 34(3), 2014
Sinclair, Tara. “The Failure of Forecasts in the Great Recession” , Challenge, Vol. 57(6), 2014
Szakonyi, David. “Who Benefits From Economic Reform? Firms and Distributive Politics” , Journal of Politics , Vol. 76(03) , 2014
Szakonyi, David. “Veto Players and the Value of Political Control: A Theory with Evidence from Energy Privatization”, Comparative Political Studies , Vol. 47(10) , 2014
Szakonyi, David. “Political Machines at Work: Voter Mobilization and Electoral Subversion in the Workplace” , World Politics , Vol. 66(2) , 2014
Szakonyi, David. “Online Social Media and Political Awareness in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes” , British Journal of Political Science , Vol. 45(01) , 2014
Williams, Tomas. “Financial Globalization in Emerging Economies: Much Ado About Nothing?” , Economia, Vol. 14(20), 2014
Yezer, Anthony. “FHA: Recent History and Future Prospects” , Housing Policy Debate , Vol. 24(3), 2014
- 2013
Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang, “The Matching of Heterogeneous Firms and Politicians,”Economic Inquiry, 2013, vol. 51(2), pp. 1502-1522.
Smith, Stephen C. with Sungil Kwak, “Regional Agricultural Endowments and Shifts of Poverty Trap Equilibria: Evidence from Ethiopian Panel Data,” Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.
Carrillo, Paul “To Sell or Not to Sell: Measuring the Heat of the Housing Market,”2013, Real Estate Economics, 41(2), 310-346.
Carrillo, Paul ““Testing for Fraud in the Residential Mortgage Market: How much did Early-Payment-Defaults Overpay for Housing?” 2013, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 47(1), 36-64.
Chiswick, Barry R., “The Determinants of Religiosity Among Immigrants and the Native Born in Europe,” Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 11(4), 563-598, 2013
Baird, Sarah with Jacobus Joost de Hoop and Berk Özler. “Income Shocks and Adolescent Mental Health,” Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 48(2), 2013, pp. 370-403.
Aaronson, Susan,“Righting Business: John Ruggie and the Struggle to Develop International Human Rights Standards for Transnational Firms,” Dec. 2013, Human Rights Quarterly
Castleman, Tony with Anema, Aranka, Sarah Fielden, Nils Grede, Amie Heap, and Martin Bloem, “Food Security in the Context of HIV: Towards Harmonized Definitions and Indicators.” AIDS and Behavior, November 29, 2013 (Epub ahead of print publication).
Baird, Sarah with Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Berk Özler, Michael Woolcock ” Relative Effectiveness of Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfers for Schooling Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review” ,February 9, 2013
Huang, Cheng. “Smoking behaviors and cessation services among male physicians in China: evidence from a structural equation model” , Tobacco Control, Vol. , 27-33, 2013
- 2012
Fostel, Ana with John Geanakopolos, “Tranching, CDS and Asset Prices: How Financial Innovation can Cause Bubbles and Crashes,” forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2012, 4(1): 190-225.
Sinclair, Tara, Edward N. Gamber, H.O. Stekler and Elizabeth Reid. “Jointly Evaluating the Federal Reserve’s Forecasts of GDP Growth and Inflation,”International Journal of Forecasting, Volume 28, Issue 2, April– June 2012, Pages 309–314.
Carrillo, Paul with Shahe Emran, ” Public Information and Inflation Expectations: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” 2012, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 94(4), 860-877.
Carrillo, Paul E. “An Empirical Stationary Equilibrium Search Model of the Housing Market,” 2012, International Economic Review, 53(1), pages 203-234.
Carrillo, Paul E. with Jaren Pope, “Are Homes Hot or Cold Potatoes? The Distribution of Marketing Time in the Housing Market,”Regional Science and Urban EconomicsVol. 42 No. 1-2 pp. 189-197. 2012.
Sinclair, Tara with Sinchan Mitra, “Output Fluctuations in the G-7: An Unobserved Components Approach,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, Volume 16, Issue 03, pp. 396-422. June 2012.
Smith, Stephen C., “The Scope of Nongovernmental Organizations and Development Program Design: Application to Problems of Multidimensional Poverty,” Public Administration and Development Vol. 32 Issue 4-5, 357-370. October 2012.
Charnovitz, Steve with Daniel C. Esty, “How the United States Can Improve Energy and Climate Policies,” World Financial Review, July/August 2012.
Charnovitz, Steve “Correcting America’s Continuing Failure to Comply with the Avena Judgment,” American Journal of International Law, July 2012.
Smith, Stephen C., with Saudamini Das, “Awareness as an Adaptation Strategy for Reducing Mortality from Heat Waves: Evidence from a Disaster Risk Management Program in India,” Climate Change Economics Vol. 3 No. 2. May 2012.
Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang with Alfaro, Laura “Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Vol. 4(3), pp. 30-55. 2012.
Smith, Stephen C. and Malik, Arun S., “Adaptation to Climate Change in Low-Income Countries: Lessons from Current Research and Needs from Future Research,” Climate Change Economics Vol. 3 No. 2. May 2012.
Castleman, Tony with Gilles Bergeron. “ “Program Responses to Acute Malnutrition and Chronic Malnutrition: Divergences and Convergences.” Advances in NutritionMarch 2012. 3: 242-249.
- 2011
Carrillo, Paul, with Akashi-Ronquest, Naoko, Bruce Dembling, and Steven Stern, “Measuring the Biases in Self-reported Disability Status: Evidence from Aggregate Data,” Applied Economics Letters Vol. 18 No. 11. 2011.
Carrillo, Paul. “Testing for Fraud in the Residential Mortgage Market: How Much Did Early-Payment-Defaults Overpay for Housing?,” The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, pp. 1-29. 2011.
Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang, with Murat Iyigun, “Patent Protection And Strategic Delays In Technology Development: Implications For Economic Growth,” Southern Economic Journal Vol. 78 No. 1, pp. 211-232. 2011.
Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang. “Interdependence in multinational production networks,”Canadian Journal of Economics Vol. 44 No. 3, pp. 930-956. 2011.
Fostel, Ana with Luis Catao, and Romain Ranciere, “Fiscal Discoveries, Stops and Defaults,” Paris School of Economics, 2011.
Fostel, Ana with John Geanakoplos, “Why does bad news increase volatility and decrease leverage?” Journal of Economic Theory, 2011.
Foster, James with Sabina Alkire, “Counting And Multidimensional Poverty Measurement,” Journal Of Public Economics Vol. 95 No. 7-8, pp. 476-87. 2011.
Foster, James with Sabina Alkire, “Understandings And Misunderstandings Of Multidimensional Poverty Measurement,” Journal Of Economic Inequality Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 289-314. 2011
Foster, James with Sabina Alkire, “Where did identification go?,” Journal of Economic Inequality Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 501-505. 2011.
Joutz, Fred, withGail Cohan and Prakash Loungani, “Energy Security: Depend, but Diversify,” Energy Dialogue, April 2011.
Joutz, Fred, with Gail Cohan and Prakash Loungani, “Measuring energy security: Trends in the diversification of oil and natural gas supplies,” Energy Policy Vol. 39, pp.4860-4869. 2011.
Joutz, Fred with C.D. Wei, “Inflation Illusion or No Illusion: What Did Pre- and Post-War Data Say?” Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 21, pp. 1599-1603. 2011.
Moore, Michael O., “Implementing Carbon Tariffs: A Fool’s Errand?” The World Economy Vol. 34, pp. 1679-1702. 2011.
Moore, Michael O. with Maurizio Zanardi, “Does Reduced Trade Tax Revenue Affect Government Spending Patterns?” International Tax and Public Finance Vol. 18 No. 5, pp. 555-79. 2011.
Moore, Michael O., with Maurizio Zanardi, “Trade Liberalization and Antidumping: Is There a Substitution Effect?,” Review of Development Economics Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 601-619. 2011.
Moore, Michael O. “Argentina: There and Back Again” in The Great Recession and Import Protection, Chad P. Bown (ed.), World Bank, 2011.
Pelzman, Joseph. and Amir Shoham. “What’s New in Our World? Thinking about the Great Recession,” editor Special Edition. Global Economy Journal, May 2011.
Pelzman, Joseph. “The Economics of the Middle East and North Africa (Mena).”World Scientific Pub Co, 2011.
Pelzman, Joseph. with Amir Shoham. “A Review Of The Crisis.” Global Economy Journal Vol. 11 No. 2, 2011.
Suranovic, Steven, “Addicted to Oil: Implications for Climate Change Policy,”November 2011.
Chao Wei, with Santoro, Marika, and “Taxation, Investment And Asset Pricing,”Review Of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 443-454. 2011.
Fostel, Ana with John Geanakoplos, “Collateral Restrictions and Liquidity Under Supply: A Simple Model,” Economic Theory.
Fostel, Ana with Graciela Kaminsky, “Latin America’s Access to International Capital Markets: Good Behavior or Global Liquidity?” in Kevin Cowan, Sebastian Edwards, and Rodrigo Valdes (eds) Current Account and External Financing, Central Bank of Chile.
Lustig, Nora, co-editor with Jacques Silber (Bar Ilan University, Israel), special issue of Estudios Economicos – “Poverty and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean,” El Colegio de Mexico
- 2010
James E. Foster with Kathryn H. Anderson and David E. Frisvol, “Investing In Health: The Long-Term Impact Of Head Start On Smoking,” Economic Inquiry Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 587-602. 2010.
Chen, Maggie Xiaoyang, and Sumit Joshi, “Third-Country Effects On The Formation Of Free Trade Agreements,” Journal Of International Economics Vol. 82 No. 2, pp. 238-248. 2010.
Foster, James, with Joel Greer, and Erik Thorbecke, “The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) Poverty Measures: 25 Years Later,” Journal Of Economic Inequality Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 491-524. 2010.
Foster, James E., with Michael C. Wolfson, “Polarization And The Decline Of The Middle Class: Canada And The U.S.,” Journal Of Economic Inequality Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 247-273. 2010
Joutz, Frederick L., “Interview With Herman O. Stekler,” International Journal Of Forecasting Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 195-203. 2010.
Fred Joutz with Poonpat Leesombatpiboon, “Sectoral demand for petroleum in Thailand,” Energy Economics Vol. 32 No. 1, pp. S15-S25. 2010.
Moore, Michael O., with Alan K. Fox, “Why Don’t Foreign Firms Cooperate In US Antidumping Investigations? An Empirical Analysis,” Review Of World Economics/Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv Vol. 145 No. 4, pp. 597-613. 2010.
Pelzman, Joseph, with Amir Shoham, “Measuring The Welfare Effects Of Country Of Origin Rules: A Suggested Methodology,” Global Economy Journal Vol. 10 No. 1. 2010.
Pelzman, Joseph, with Amir Shoham, “Comparison of PRC and Vietnam’s Responses to the Elimination of US Textile and Apparel Quotas: Economic and Cultural Perspectives,” International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 385-408. 2010.
Sinclair, Tara M. and Fred Joutz, with H. O. Stekler. “Can The Fed Predict The State Of The Economy?,” Economics Letters Vol. 108 No. 1, pp. 28-32. 2010.
Sinclair, Tara M., with H. O. Stekler, and L. Kitzinger, “Directional Forecasts Of GDP And Inflation: A Joint Evaluation With An Application To Federal Reserve Predictions,”Applied Economics Vol. 42 No. 16-18, pp. 2289-97. 2010.
Wei, Chao, “Inflation And Stock Prices: No Illusion,” Journal Of Money, Credit, And Banking Vol. 42 No. 2-3, pp. 325-345. 2010.
Chen, Maggie X. and Michael O. Moore, “Location Decision of Heterogeneous Multinational Firms,” Journal of International Economics, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 188-199 . March 2010
Emran, M. Shahe with Forhad Shilpi, “Estimating Import Demand Function in Developing Countries: A Structural Econometric Approach with Applications to India and Sri Lanka,” Review of International Economics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 307-319. May 2010.
Sinclair, Tara, “Asymmetry in the Business Cycle: Friedman’s Plucking Model with Correlated Innovations,” Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2010), pp. 520-542.
Malik, Arun, “How Should We Tackle the Forest Fire Problem?,” Ian Parry and Felicia Day (Eds.), Resources for the Future Press,(2010), pp. 134-135.
- 2009
Castleman, Tony with Matlisky, Danielle, Kenneth Maleta, and Mark Manary. “Supplementary Feeding with Fortified Spreads Results in Higher Recovery Rates Than with a Corn/Soy Blend in Moderately Wasted Children.” Journal of Nutrition. 139: 773-778, 2009.
Carrillo, Paul, with Anthony Yezer, “Alternative Measures Of Homeownership Gaps Across Segregated Neighborhoods,” Regional Science And Urban Economics Vol. 39 No. 5, pp. 542-52. 2009.
Carrillo, Paul E., with Juan Ponce Jarrin, “Efficient Delivery Of Subsidies To The Poor: Improving The Design Of A Cash Transfer Program In Ecuador,” Journal Of Development Economics Vol. 90 No. 2, pp. 276-284. 2009.
Ana Fostel, with Luis Catao and Sandeep Kapur, “Persistent Gaps And Default Traps,” Journal Of Development Economics Vol. 89 No. 2, pp. 271-284. 2009.
Fred Joutz and Angela Poulakidas, “Exploring the link between oil prices and tanker rates,” Maritime Policy & Management Vol. 36 No. 3, pp.215-233. 2009.
Pelzman, Joseph, with Amir Shoham, “WTO DSU: Enforcement Issues,” in James Hartigan (ed.) Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Vol. 6 No. 15. Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. London: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. pp. 369-395. 2009.
Wei, Chao, “Does The Stock Market React To Unexpected Inflation Differently Across The Business Cycle?,” Applied Financial Economics Vol. 19 No. 22-24, pp. 1947-59. 2009.
Wei, Chao, “A Quartet Of Asset Pricing Models In Nominal And Real Economies,”Journal Of Economic Dynamics And Control Vol. 33 No. 1, pp. 154-165. 2009.
Chen, Maggie X., “Regional Economic Integration and Geographic Concentration of Multinational Firms,” European Economic Review, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 355-375, April 2009.
Sinclair, Tara, with H.O. Stekler, “Forecast evaluation of AveAve forecasts in the global VAR context,” International Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 693-696, October – December 2009.
Sinclair, Tara, “The Relationships between Permanent and Transitory Movements in U.S. Output and the Unemployment Rate,”
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 41, No. 2-3 (March-April 2009), pp. 520-542.
Malik, Arun, with Christian Crowley, Gregory Amacher and Robert Haight, “Adjacency Externalities and Forest Fire Prevention,” Land Economics, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp. 162-185 (2009).